Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some new pictures

I have been getting a hard time from some of you for not having any new pictures of Kyle on the blog... I can only apologise, January has been extremely busy. I am in the middle of changing jobs, Kyle has been sick quite a bit and we are both chasing our tails trying to get the house in order. All that said, we are really blessed and really enjoying ourselves. Anyway - enough of that, here are some pictures of our little guy!




Jeremy and Jeanae said...

OH my goodness! He is absolutely gorgeous, those eyes will absolutely make you melt! It is so crazy, in one picture I totally see Lyns in him, and then another, I feel like it is a baby Col... obviously a perfect blend of the two of you. We miss you guys so much, but look forward to your visit in November :-) We love you three so much, and will call soon!

Michelle said...

Jonathan and I are looking at these pictures and wondering how he could get so big! He does not look like the same child!! He is absolutely so cute. We miss you guys so much! We need a phone double date!