Friday, July 6, 2007

Granny and Grandpa John arrived!

Granny and Grandpa John arrived yesterday from Scotland. 5 weeks has been a long wait for Granny to get her first cuddle, so when we met at the airport there was a very clear agenda!

We are blessed to have a big and healthy baby boy who is growing by the day - at his last weigh in, Kyle was 4 weeks old and 10lb 10oz... a 10oz gain in a week! Here is a photo to prove it:

He is really beginning to smile more and more, and is really a joyful baby - here are a few more photos to enjoy:


Michelle said...

look at those dimples! that last picture needs to be framed! he is soooooo adorable!!!

The Huntly Hendersons said...

Brilliant Blog! Running out of fridge door space for the photos - they are just wonderful and so is your beautiful boy! Great to see Granny and Grandpa John arrived safely! Much love to you all and please give Kyle an extra cuddle from us.