Tuesday, May 22, 2007

10 days and counting!

We have finally reached the new millenium and decided that we should be keeping a blog to make sure we have all the opportunities possible to bore you to tears with our musing about living life in the US and more importantly, the soon to be coolest baby on the planet!

We have 10 days and counting until Ross Jr makes an appearance (unless it decides to come a week late!! - I have no idea who it could have learnt that from :) Everything is organised, we have nappies (or diapers if you must call them that!) coming out of our ears, more lotions and creams and gunk than we know what to do with and the nursery is all good to go. All that we have to do now is wait for the star of the show to appear. We thought that this blog would be a good way to let our friends and family across the water meet 'Bumpy' (aka 'Goober', 'Toots' and most unfortunately 'Wiki') before we get a chance to come back to the homeland.

Enjoy our ramblings... or at least pretend to when we next see you ;)

1 comment:

Martin J Clarke said...

hey hey!

Love it! Looking good Lyns!

I want at LEAST one post every day now, given that, em, you started a wee bit late!

SO wish we could be there!


Martin, Lynz and Bethany!